All Your Property Needs In One Place


  • Residential

  • Commercial & Industrial

  • Luxury

  • Investment

  • Property Management

  • Owner Lookup

    Unsure about a property? You’ve come to the right place. Rest assured that you’re making the right choice with our suite of services. Be ready to buy armed with our comparable property and insurance analyses.


  • Broker Price Opinions

  • Market Analysis

  • Comparable Property Analysis

  • Customized Social Media Ads

    Sometimes your needs outgrow what a property can give. That’s where we come in! We adapt to your needs, with flexible contract terms, in-depth market analyses, and an extensive knowledge of Puerto Rico’s property market and legal procedures.


  • Homes

  • Autos

  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings

  • Business & Commercial Activity Packages

  • All Other Property

Tie it all together by buying and insuring through Coll & Co. Have all of your property and casualty insurance needs met with the same people that help you acquire the perfect properties for your needs. Rest assured knowing we have no exclusivity contracts with any Insurer; We always have your best interest in mind.

Contact us.

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(787) 344-1930

1225 Ave. Ponce De Leon, STE. bs E-1
San Juan, Puerto Rico